What is your biggest struggle right now?

My biggest struggle right now is balancing work and being a new mom. I’m Co-founder of Wander Beauty and I recently signed with a new modeling agency, Carter also started walking so my days are nonstop and it’s gets exhausting. I think as women we put so much pressure on ourselves to do it all and I often have to remind myself to slow down and take some time for myself to recharge. 

What and who inspires you?

I’m so inspired by other working mamas (like Kenza!) It’s the hardest job and I really admire women who set a positive example for new moms like me. 

Worst and Best Memory?

One of my best memories was my wedding day. Sean and I got married in South Carolina at our favorite spot with all of our family and closest friends. That night was a super moon and the sky was unforgettable. It was a magical weekend that brought so many new people together, many of whom are still friends to this day.


What advice will you give?

My best advice is to try to live in the present moment. I can often get overwhelmed with worries or regret so I’m constantly working on staying present, especially now as a new mom.  Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth, and his podcast with Oprah has been so helpful in this respect. Both are full of information I think everyone could benefit from. 

How would you like to introduce yourself?

I’m a mom, model and Co-founder and Creative Director of Wander Beauty.

Dora Ennafaa

Social Media and Digital Content Strategist at Universal Pictures International Entertainment


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