How would you like to introduce yourself?

I am a Mother of 2 boys, a model and a photographer. I grew up on a farm in Iowa and those nature, animal loving roots only grew stronger. 


What is your biggest struggle right now?

How to do everything, be a good parent, a partner, cook, clean, have my career, flourish in my photography career all while having calm loving patient energy. 


What and who inspires you?



Worst and Best Memory?

Both labors are my best memory.  I was lucky to be able to have 2 smooth labors at home. It’s such a beautiful experience to give birth. 


What advice will you give?

We can do more than we think, women really are superheroes. Trust yourself.


Throughout your personal journey, what do you want people to remember?

The way I made them feel. I hope people feel loved, seen and calmer. 


How do you like to wear your OSAY?

I wear my OSAY shoes running out the door to do anything. Even play basketball, well shoot hoops. 


What do you like the most about your OSAY?

They are an easy shoe to slide on especially since my hands are always full and I’m always on the go, my Osay’s keep me looking good doing anything.

Dora Ennafaa

Social Media and Digital Content Strategist at Universal Pictures International Entertainment


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